
We are located in the heart of the Middle East with a group of trained translators. We are ready to provide native and high quality jobs related to Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia.

We are also ready to provide high quality translation services for local companies.

Persian (Farsi) Arabic Kurdish Turkish
Dari Pashto Urdu Panjabi
Malay Bangali Thai Tamil
Middle East

We are located in a region with a good diversity of native languages. These languages are:

Arabic Persian (Farsi) Kurdish Turkish

Central Asia

Our translation team consists of professional Central Asian translators. They are experts in translating into:

Dari Pashto Urdu Punjabi

South Asia

Tarjomeh Malaysia is your partner for translating your documents into South Asian languages like:

Malay Bengali Indonesian Thai Tamil


Since 2001, we have created a reliable group of translators in most spoken languages of the world. So far, we have provided translations in below languages:

German French Spanish Italian
Portugese Japanese Chinese Russian
Ukrainain Swahili Tagalog Africannas